
I couldn't remember when was the last time we hangout.
And i was kinda getting nervous to see you.
What if nanti it will be awkward?

You picked me up at home.
You were wearing your blue scrub.
We drove to the restaurant.
In the car, you told me you've been learning about the rukun islam. You can remember all but one. Solat, puasa, zakat, haji. (you forgot about the 2 kalimah syahadah - the first rukun ><)

The food sucks though.
But that doesn't matter because i'm eating with you.
It was so pedas that you were sweating.
You said you're fasting too. Like a proper fasting.
Not water fasting, or intermittent fasting you've done before.

You asked me how i am doing. 
Too focus on me that i didn't even asked you how you're doing and what's been bothering you.
My bad.

After dinner, we grab an ice cream each.
On the way home, you told me someone gave you an English al-quran and you've been reading it.
I didn't ask who gave it to you. A girl or a male?
Did you ask for it or that person simply gave it to you?

Are you trying to give me hints?
Or just simply?
And suddenly, before i know it - i got that fuzzy feeling again, the butterflies.

Is there a chance for us?
I don't wanna overthink about this. 
This may means nothing or it can mean everything.

I have been praying that you will get hidayah from Allah ever since we got close.
But i stopped praying, after we stopped contacting each other.
But i re-started praying these few weeks, suddenly. 
Suddenly i thought of you.

And i hope you're learning it purely because of Islam and nothing else.

I didn't get a chance to curi curi took a photo because you were sitting next to me.
Otherwise, one for the memory.

One more thing, when you got that urinary tract surgery, did you get circumcise too?


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